About Me

Black, queer, disabled, leftist. Coming at ttrpgs from an anti-racist and anti-imperialist perspective. This website is written for people of all races interested in combatting exclusionary assumptions in games.



I am working on digitizing my reviews for: Trophy Dark/Gold, Heart (The City Beneath), FATE (AKA Fate Core) and the FATE Horror Toolkit and more. These reviews were originally written for local zines but as printing costs have risen and my ability to write by hand has worsened, they will be made available digitally here. Eventually, when I get around to it. Eureka is the first digital only review.

I am also working on transferring my notes on game theory and exclusion to this website in the form of blog posts. Those are below:

Your Burden is My Burden: Political Appropriation By White Authors of Black Tragedy